Services We Offer

Our turnkey services support your unique asset inspection and maintenance programs. We help you to improve operational efficiency, reduce downtime, and meet local and federal regulations.

Wherever you are in your asset management journey, we are here to help you be successful and make your job easier. We combine artificial intelligence (AI) with your data to develop a new program or improve an existing program that will streamline inspection and maintenance activities at your plant. Our goal is to help you achieve more efficient operations, reduced downtime, and compliance with relevant rules and regulations. 

Extend the lifespan of critical equipment

Perform better inspections

Optimize inspection and maintenance costs

Avoid unexpected shutdowns

We build custom programs based on the requirements and needs of each specific site.  We help you understand what you need and what you don’t need. 

  • Asset Registers  
  • Circuitization
  • Damage Mechanism Reviews 
  • Condition Monitoring Locations (CMLs)

We help implement inspection and maintenance programs that support compliance, inspection tracking, and eventually reduce long-term costs. 

  • IDMS Implementation 
  • One-Off Risk Assessments 
  • RBI Implementation 
  • Inspection Test Plans 

Using AI, we conduct in-depth data analysis to provide thorough and optimized maintenance and inspection strategies that will help you succeed.  

  • BOAR Analysis 
  • Software Data QA/QC 
  • CML Optimization 
  • Circuitization QA/QC 
  • Detailed Quantitative Corrosion Reviews

Using Thickness Data for Determining Accurate Corrosion Rates


Downstream Oil & Gas

Type of Asset





The client wanted to identify more accurate corrosion rates for their RBI program and asked us if the CorrSolutions BOAR model could incorporate the thickness data into their estimated rate, and determine whether a more specific corrosion rate could be created. 


We input the thickness data and estimated corrosion rate into the patented model and analyzed the results. The team looked at the coefficient of variation (COV) that API 581 uses for inspection data, which is typically deemed to be of low quality. Our model, however, incorporated the estimated rate and was frequently updated using the actual thickness data. Throughout the analysis, we turned the setting to “high,” meaning we highly trust the data. 


The team was able to provide a more specific corrosion rate for each of the circuits. In some cases, the original estimated rate did not agree with the data and the rate was increased. In other instances, the rate was reduced and the next inspection interval was pushed out in time. Overall, a more accurate RBI assessment was provided to the client. 

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